The Reading Habits Book Tag

I've been doing more book tags recently and I've discovered that they're extremely fun! So today I'll be doing the Reading Habits Book Tag. I originally found this tag on Vivatramp, and I'm excited to be doing it!

Do you have a certain place at home for reading?
I don't have a set reading area. I like to read in my bed, but I'll also sometimes read on my couch. It really depends on my mood.

Bookmark or random piece of paper?
I used to try and remember the page number, but then I discovered bookmarks and I have no idea how I survived without them! I like to make my own, so I'll use my own bookmarks, but if I don't have one on hand, a piece of paper will do until I can get a bookmark.

Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a chapter/certain amount of pages?
If I have to, I can stop in the middle of a sentence. If I'm rereading, I can stop wherever. If I'm not very interested in the book or if the scene I'm reading isn't action-packed, I can also stop wherever. But if I'm at an exciting or interesting part, I prefer to keep reading until I finish the book or until the scene ends.

Do you eat or drink while reading?
If I'm hungry or thirsty, then yes. Sometimes I'll have tea if I'm in the mood, and I really like eating meals while reading. Eating dessert while reading is amazing (two great things at once)!

Music or TV while reading?
I can't read with the TV on, unless a sport is on (in case you couldn't tell, I couldn't care less about sports). I can read with music, but I prefer not to, and if music is on, instrumental is better so I don't get distracted by the lyrics of the song.

One book at a time or several at once?
If I'm reading a book and bored with it or wanting to DNF it, I'll read a second book as well. I'll also read multiple books if it's for an assignment, but other than that I like going one book at a time. I used to read two or three at once, but now I don't like having to split my reading time between multiple books.

Reading at home or everywhere?
Definitely everywhere! I can read in basically any place, and that's one of the things I love about reading!

Read aloud or silently in your head?
In my head! I really don't like reading books out loud to people; it feels more like a chore and makes me want to stop reading. Plus, I read much faster than I can talk, which is one of the reasons I don't like audiobooks as much as well.

Do you read ahead or skip pages?
If I'm reading and there's an extremely cringey scene, I'll skip it, but generally I don't skip scenes because I like to read the whole book and not skip any important parts.

Break the spine or keep it like new?
Keep it like new, especially if it's a paperback! I really hate it when a paperback's spine gets creased and then you can't let go of the book or else it opens to the pages that correspond with the creased spine!

Do you write in your books?
No, I tend to annotate in my head and would get annoyed if I always had to carry around a writing utensil while reading. I really have no problem with writing in a book as long as I own it, I just don't want to put in the effort to do so.

So that was the Reading Habits tag! Feel free to do it yourself, and if you do, comment the link; I'd love to read about your reading habits and see how they're different or similar to mine!
